Monday, August 17, 2009

Pinewood Country


This is my first attempt at blogging. Not sure how it all works, so here we go. Hi, my name is Melody and I live in Alberta Canada. I work from home as a tole painter and stay at home mom. I have been painting for the past 16 years and still love it. I paint all year to attend various large shows in the Edmonton area. My main theme is SNOWMEN. I cut out all my own wood - mainly pinewood, sanding and painting. Here is an example of my work above. Right now I'am working on the benches - painting the snowmen. They are very cute but very time consuming. I usually only paint 10-15 benches a year. I also paint Santas, Reindeer, Angels, Candy Canes, Christmas items but mainly snowmen.

I have a shop on etsy: http:/

So, I better get back to work - as snowmen don't paint themselves. Thanks for taking the time to read my blog and I will keep you updated on all new pieces.


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